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Learn to Fly
Our FAA Certified Flight Instructors can show you how to become part of a growing number of pilots in our area. We provide training for the enthusiast and those seeking a career in aviation.
Talented Instructors
Our Flight Instructors are CFII (Certified Flight Instructor Instrument) rated, allowing them to give not only primary flight training, but also advanced training.
Available to Everyone
We offer many different programs from all walks of life or work schedules. We make the opportunity of learning how to fly available to everyone. We teach students from 10 to 80 years old. We will work with you to make this opportunity available!
North Coast Flight School has been in existence for the last 18 years. NCFS is located at Port Meadville Airport, 16469 Morrison Road, Meadville PA 16335. We have a working relationship with Republic Airlines and an increasing number of other air carriers for those who aspire to have a career in aviation.
North Coast Flight School has also been on the cutting edge of young childhood educational development, being the founder of the national program Aero Academy. Our Aero Academy the Educational Award from the Aviation Council of Pennsylvania for several years.
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